<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1500520490268011&amp;ev=PageView&amp;noscript=1"> La SFIDA FUTURA: Dall'imperialismo delle armi al controllo delle menti. | Il Forum di Quattroruote

La SFIDA FUTURA: Dall'imperialismo delle armi al controllo delle menti.

The Future Challenge: From The Imperialism Of The Weapons To The Control Of The Minds.

From the Elder of Sion to the Constant conflict a modernisation of a theory in which is founded the Nazism and the fascism.
It's a soft and insidious theory with honey methods to control and managing the public opinion and the minds of the people.

What is the costant conflict?
1 The terrorism and war
2 Class conflict
3 Both

I've forgotten racial conflict and ethnicism, ethnical cleaning and so on.
It's all the same old story.


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